Script que lê o atributo lastlogon de todos os DCs do domínio.


Script que lê o atributo lastlogon de todos os DCs do domínio.

Importante: O atributo lastlogon não é replicado entre os DCs e gera um CSV (arquivo separado por ponto e virgula) contendo sAMAccountName, Name, when created e lastlogon (o verdadeiro, a data mais recente encontrada entre todos os DCs).


Este script em PowerShell foi testado nas seguintes plataformas

Windows 10 Sim
Windows Server 2012 Sim
Windows Server 2012 R2 Sim
Windows Server 2008 R2 Sim
Windows Server 2008 Sim
Windows Server 2003 Sim
Windows 8 SIm
Windows 7 Sim


Para executar este script, você deve iniciar o PowerShell com privilégios de administrador, sua estação deve estar no domínio do Active Directory


Copiar o script e executar no PowerShell com privilégios de administrador.


$FileOut = “C:\astlogon.csv”


$strFilter = “(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))”


#Custom Object

$colUsuarios = @()


# List each Domain Controller

$StrDCs = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::getcurrentdomain() | foreach{$_.DomainControllers| foreach{$_.Name}}


$StrDCs | foreach-object {


$StrEachDC = “LDAP://”+$_.split(“.”)[0]


$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry $StrEachDC


$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher

$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain

$objSearcher.PageSize = 1000

$objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter

$objSearcher.SearchScope = “Subtree”


$colProplist = “name”,”sAMAccountName”,”lastlogon”,”whenCreated”,”useraccountcontrol”

foreach ($i in $colPropList){$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)|Out-Null}


$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()


foreach ($objResult in $colResults){

$User  = $objResult.Properties;

$AcaoErro =  $ErrorActionPreference

$ErrorActionPreference = “silentlycontinue”

$dtLogon  = $lastlogon =[DateTime]::FromFileTime([Int64]::Parse($User.lastlogon))

$ErrorActionPreference = $AcaoErro

$dtCreated= $User.whencreated[0]


$Name = $[0]


$dis = $User.useraccountcontrol

if ($dis -eq 514){$Habilitado=”Não”}else{$Habilitado=”Sim”}



#Custom Object

#Localiza Objeto

$Localiza = $colUsuarios | ? { $_.samAccountName -eq “$Account”}


if ($Localiza.count -eq 0){


$objUsuario = New-Object System.Object

$objUsuario | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name “samAccountname” -value $Account

$objUsuario | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name “name” -value $Name

$objUsuario | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name “whencreated” -value $dtCreated

$objUsuario | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name “lastlogon” -value $dtLogon

$objUsuario | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name “lastlogon server” -value $StrEachDC

$objUsuario | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name “Enabled” -value $Habilitado


$colUsuarios += $objUsuario

} else {


if ($Localiza[0].lastlogon -lt $dtLogon){

$Localiza[0].lastlogon = $dtLogon

$Localiza[0].”lastlogon server” = $StrEachDC









#Write File

Remove-Item $FileOut -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$colUsuarios | Export-Csv -Path $FileOut -NoTypeInformation -Encoding Default -Delimiter “;”




Sobre Julio Vaz

15 years’ experience as an IT infrastructure consultant and Solution Architect. Accomplished IT professional recognized for excellence in the design, management, and development of complex business applications. Passion for delivering software and technology that meets the needs of the business. Proven ability to work with business users together with a strong development background make for an ideal analyst or solutions architect. I'm a results-driven IT professional on consulting for integration projects with extensive experience in the engineering, administration and support. Direct experience with customer relationships, complex problem troubleshooting, implementation, optimization, technology advisor and training deliveries. Always interested in professional growth as well as high-quality service delivery. Playing the role of solution architect and project leader focusing on migrations and deployments of Office 365 (Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online and Skype for Business) and Microsoft Azure (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS DRaaS). My main responsibilities were:-design and architecture scaling Exchange Server 2003 migration, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 to Office 365 with ADFS in Microsoft Azure as IaaS; -Management of major project of Yammer and Sharepoint; -Development of strong relationship with partners and major customers.
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